Paddy Series II

Following on from the first series, I felt inspired to use the paddy fields as a metaphor for the cycle of life and to explore themes relevant to one’s life journey.

This second series chronicle how the changes to my personal life led to the discovery of my inner voice, spirituality, the universal intelligence and my life purpose.


2021, Oil, 120cm x 80 cm (RM8800)

"We can never silence our hearts if we are not on our true path. An impactful storm occurs to kickstart the journey within. In the process of self- discovery, one gains the ability to manifest the necessary changes and a future that the heart seeks.”



2021, Oil, 120cm x 80cm - SOLD

“Have you ever felt like you are in a dream - busy with work, family, business, children, hobbies - and never stopping to listen to your heart and figure out who you really are and what your life purpose is?”



2021, Oil, 100cm x 150cm (RM9800)

"When we are trapped in our endless thoughts and emotions, we lack the ability to make discerning decisions. When we are able to control our minds and achieve inner peace, clarity emerges. With clarity, we make the right decisions that serve our life purpose and the people in our lives.



2024, Oil, 80cm x 120cm (RM8800)

“To be successful and thrive in growth.”


Inner Joy

2021, Oil, 120 x 80cm - SOLD


Strength & Courage

2021, Oil, 100 x 150cm - SOLD

“The self-discovery process is tumultuous. Some decisions we make may not be in favour with the people around us. It takes strength and courage to continue pursuing our dreams. Have faith that we will get the support we need if the path we seek is the right one for us.”


As Within, So Without

2021, Oil, 60cm x 92cm (RM4800)

“Like attacts like. How we experience the external world is a reflection of our inner self. If we feel peace and abundance within, we experience the same with the events and people in our lives. Stay positive with a high vibrational frequency to attract positivity in our lives.”



2021, Oil, 80cm x 120cm - SOLD


Dream Fields

2021, Oil, 100 x 150cm - SOLD

“Dream the impossible, set out intentions right, do the necessary work, and gradually our dream fields will bloom.”



2021, Oil, 80 x 120cm (RM8800)

“As Eckhart Tolle taught, the sky is our changeless soul, and the clouds are but the transient events in our lives. If we stay focused living each present moment, without dwelling on our past nor worrying about our future, we can access the infinite possibilities of our Self and manifest the lives we want.”



2021, Oil, 100 x 150cm (RM9800)

“Look within to understand our many layers. Ultimately, we are not our thoughts nor emotions. We are not our minds nor bodies. We are the changeless soul with a purpose in this life.”



2024, Oil, 80 x 120cm - SOLD

“Radiate inner joy and light up the lives of those around us. Be the Light!”



2021, Oil, 120 x 80cm - SOLD

“The journey is just as important as the end goal. Our lives are made up of accumulated daily joyful moments. Remember to be in the present moment, appreciate all these daily joys and feel gratitude for all the good in our lives.”