Paddy Series II

Following on from the first series, I felt inspired to use the paddy fields as a metaphor for the cycle of life and to explore various themes relevant to one’s life journey. This second series chronicles my personal and spiritual journey from 2019 to 2021 - how the changes to my persona life led to the discovery of my inner voice, spirituality, the universal intelligence and life purpose. These paintings are available for physical viewing at Gallery 1819, Singapore


Oil, 2021, 120cm x 80cm (SGD2800)

"Have you ever felt like you are in a dream, busy with your daily life - work, family, business, children, hobbies - and never stopping to listen to your heart and figure out who you really are and what your life purpose is?



Oil, 2021, 120cm x 80cm (SGD2800)

"We can never silence our hearts if we are not on our true path. An impactful storm occurs to kickstart the journey within. In the process of self- discovery, one gains the ability to manifest the necessary changes and a future that the heart seeks.

In September 2019, I made a trip to California and discovered the world of energy and consciousness. met esoteric acupuncturiests and pranic healers who asked significant questions about me and my life. I was intrigued and learnt more when I returned home. I took courses on pranic healing and researched about the universal intelligence."



Oil, 2021, 60cm x 92cm (SGD1520)

"Sometimes, we need to withdraw from others, look within and quiet our minds in order to discern the whispers of our hearts. We can get too caught up doing so much for others that we don't have time for ourselves. I learnt that there are times for input and output. Self-reflection and inner work are necessary in order for us to be effective in giving to others."



Oil, 2021, 120cm x 80cm - SOLD

"The journey is just as important as the end destination. Sometimes, we focus too much on our goals that we forget to enjoy the present moment and feel gratitude for all the good in our lives. Our lives are made up of accumulated little moments.

Big events like a dream vacation, a work promotion, marriage or babies, are far and in between. This painting is about appreciating all the little joys in our daily lives. Enjoy the smell of coffee in the morning, feel the breeze on your face during walks, notice the wonderful colours of the natural world, appreciate the touch of loved ones, feel gratitude for clean water, comfortable shelter and food on our tables."


Dream Fields

Oil, 2021, 100cm x 150cm - SOLD

"Dream the impossible, set our intentions, do the necessary work and gradually, our dream fields will bloom."


Strength & Courage

Oil, 2021, 100cm x 150cm (SGD3800)

"The self-discovery process is tumultuous. Some decisions we make may not be in favor with the people around us. It takes strength and courage to continue pursuing our dreams nonetheless. Have faith that if the path we seek is the right one for us, we eventually get the support we need."



Oil, 2021, 100cm x 150cm (SGD3800)

"When we are trapped in our endless thoughts and emotions, we lack the ability to make discerning decisions.

When we are able to control our minds and achieve inner peace, clarity emerges. With clarity, we make the right decisions that serve our life purpose and the people in our lives."



Oil, 2021, 100cm x 150cm (SGD3800)

"Throughout our lives, we play different roles to meet the expectations of our parents, friends, teachers, employers, spouse, children and society. Many of us feel “I am not good enough" when we can't meet all of these expectations.

The sky (expectations) changes all the time but we want to be like the hut. To remain strong and be ourselves, untouched by the colours before us.

We are whole and enough as we are. We don’t need to perform well to deserve love from others. We live life because we enjoy life, not because we need to fulfil every expectation."



Oil, 2021, 120cm x 80cm (SGD2800)

"Look within to understand our many layers. Ultimately, we are not our thoughts nor emotions. We are not our minds nor bodies. We are the changeless soul."


As Within, So Without

Oil, 2021, 60cm x 92cm (SGD1520)

"Like attracts like. I learnt that how we experience the external world is a reflection of our inner self. If we feel peace and abundance within, we experience the same with the events and people in our lives. If we feel anger and conflict within, we attract the same.

Stay positive with a high vibrational frequency to attract positivity in our lives."


Inner Peace

Oil, 2021, 100 x 150cm (SGD4750)

"Still the mind and we achieve inner peace."



Oil, 2021, 80cm x 120cm (SGD2800)

"As Eckhart Tolle taught, the sky is our changeless soul, and the clouds are but the transient events in our lives. If we can stay focused living each present moment, without dwelling on our past nor worrying about our future, we can access the infinite possibilities of our Self and live our dreams."



Oil, 2021, 80cm x 120cm (SGD2800)

"Live each present moment with joy instead of regretting the past or worrying about the future. The time is now."



Oil, 2021, 120cm x 80cm (SGD2800)

"Inner peace radiates and lights up the lives of those around us. Have you noticed how different people affect our moods differently? Some people uplift us and we feel energised spending time with them. Often, these people are living with joy and purpose. Others drain our energy with negativity and we naturally avoid them in the future. Be the Light."



Oil, 2021, 80cm x 120cm (SGD2800)

"The cycle of life is such that when we are down for a long period, eventually the only way to go is up. Have faith that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We do eventually get to reap what we sow."